Food needs can vary drastically between one person to another, especially for the elderly. These food restrictions could be cause by allergies, illness, religion, loss of the ability to chew/swallow, among many other factors. The Promised Land Adult Family Home does everything we can to accommodate the drastically different needs for each of our senior residents.
Dietary restrictions caused by ailments are a common food restriction that we work with. Diabetes is an ailment, which often requires the regulation of sugar intake for the affected. To assist in this regulation of blood sugar, we can monitor their blood sugar and adjust their sugar intake as needed (more or less sugar). Insulin is also a method of blood sugar regulation that we can implement (if prescribed by their doctor), but when avoidable, we try our best to regulate blood sugar naturally. Sodium intake, spice intake, and dairy intake are also food restrictions that we pay close attention to if needed. Lactose (common in dairy) promotes the production of mucous in the body, which can cause complications for the elderly. Many of our seniors have respiratory or swallowing issues, which increased amounts of mucous, can worsen these symptoms. By regulating lactose intake for the residents with these ailments, we can often naturally improve their symptoms.
As mentioned earlier, many of our resident have issues swallowing and even chewing. These restrictions can be cause by many things including loss of teeth, loss of epiglottis function (muscle in the throat which separates the wind pipe and route to your stomach to prevent choking), and even dementia (as well as Alzheimer, Parkinson’s disease, etc.) can cause one to forget how to properly chew and/or swallow. One way that we assist with these complications is that we can provide pureed or softened food options. A doctor can give this prescription of softened/pureed foods if necessary. By providing foods prepared this way, we can greatly reduce the risk of choking and if applicable, avoid the need to chew. Liquids can also cause choking or aspiration so most nursing homes, memory care facilities, and adult family homes provide an option for thickened fluids. Our most often method of thickening is using a powder thickener which is flavorless and can simply be stirred into a drink. The benefit of this is that the thickness of the drink can be controlled all the way from a slight thickness, all the way up to a pudding like consistency. This allows for liquids to be given via spoon if needed. Patience and time are also major factors in preventing choking, and we let the residents control the time they need for their meals.
The last benefit of our services that I will discuss is that we can provide full care feeding if necessary and proper food and drink consumption always. This includes full care feeding which includes the entire process of assisting a resident with each bite and drink of his or her meal. Many larger facilities do not have the manpower to supervise, assist, and ensure the consumption of their food and drinks for all of their seniors and that is why dehydration, urinary tract infections, and weight loss are so common in the elderly. Here at The Promised Land Adult Family Home we have a maximum of a 3 to 1 ratio of residents to care givers ratio during meal times, thus allowing us to easily and effectively supervise, promote, and assist in the consumption of adequate levels of both food and drink. This is just one of the ways that we keep our seniors in the absolute best health possible.
If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to contact us via phone call or email listed on our home page!
The Promised Land Adult Family Home
Bothell Washington