We at the Promised Land Adult Care Home are proud to announce that we are mid-process of constructing a deck cover at our facility in the back yard. This new deck renovation will include 6 skylights windows covered with glass, outdoor heaters, wind and sun blocking pull down screens and most importantly, protection from the elements. This addition is such a blessing at our home because it will allow fresh air and outdoor experiences to our residents no matter the season; rain or shine! It will also allow us to provide outdoor visitations for residents’ families at our facility, while ensuring they are comfortable and out of the often harsh Washington weather conditions. Our governor has mandated that we have no indoor visitations in Washington State during this time of the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, so this is our way of taking the extra steps to accommodate our residents’ need for familial visitations. The addition of this deck cover is not an amenity that all senior care facilities, such as nursing homes and other adult care facilities, are able or willing to make. We on the other hand will do all that we can to ensure the comfort of our residents and their families.
Fresh air and sunlight are both essential to the health and happiness of all us humans, but with age and ailments such as dementia, Alzheimer, or Parkinson’s disease, times of outdoor activity can be harder to come by. This is especially true with Washington’s rainy season and frigid snowy winters. Now there is no excuse for our seniors to stay cooped up inside, even on the rainiest of days. We can bundle them up in warm clothes and under the protection of our new deck cover; they can get fresh air whenever they choose.
Below I have included some in-progress photos to help give an idea of how great the final product will look!
The Promised Land Adult Care Home
Bothell Washington
